Thursday, November 14, 2013

nov 2013

happy holidays to you all!

7 months have passed and still blogger does not allow you to change the color scheme of create new post
you can only change the color of the page that everyone sees.

the glare is  just awful. i click on i t and have to turn it off right away.
 this is being written in notepad and have to c/p which is not very practical.

while i have a facebook account - its sole purpose is ot get freebies
and do RAKs ( even though i can hadly ever find who wins them) as everything sems to disappear on FB

I now p ost my pages  at scrap stacks and pinterst

Cooper is now 8.5 yrs old and doing well. as he ages  he is getting more demanding and i can easily see he will be a cranky old man,lol.

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